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Best pick and place robots manufacturer for precise and accurate operations | FOSHAN SAMFACC


Best pick and place robot manufacturer and designer ensuring high precision and best accuracy. Our robot follows all the safety features and industry standards.


Best Pick and Place Robot manufacturer and supplier for optimum efficiency



Pick and Place Robots are the automation in the industry for moving an object from one place to another. In another name, it is called an Automated Robotic Arm. To design a robotic arm or pick and place robot we need to focus on several factors. Because in a pick and place robot, the precision should be so high and the outcome should be accurate enough so that the entire automated workflow is not harmed. Some major part names of a pick and place robot:

  1. The arm:It is the metallic cylindrical-shaped material that gets joined one after another and makes a movable hand shape to move freely in any direction.
  2. End effector:This part does the job of grabbing any object which is intended to be moved or shifted. Our engineers ensure the perfect accurate grip on the end effector so that it can grab the object in a force as per need.
  3. Actuators:The actuator moves the arm. The actuator is consisting of a motor, stepper motor, or servo motor. Now a point should be mentioned when working with servo or stepper motor we should consider the maximum precision otherwise if there is a single error come by then the entire process will be affected. Our R&D team always finds for the best possible solution to control the actuator and how to simplify the algorithm so that it can be driven easily.
  4. Sensors:Sensors are considered the eye or vision of a pick and place robot because they help the entire arm detect the correct object.
  5. Controller:The control panel is used to run the entire process. The systems that we design are the best in the market and very user-friendly so that with a minimum amount of training anyone can learn to operate them properly.



pick and place robot



Advantages of using a pick and place robot in your industry:

  1. Work speed of a pick and place robot:Work speed will get faster than before and the entire production rate will increase.
  2. Uninterrupted workflow:The workflow will be uninterrupted when using a pick and place robot instead of other methods because of the continuity and high precision.
  3. Consistency and safety:When human labor works, consistency can’t be made sure all the time. Also, in several places where it is harmful to unsafe for the human, in these places pick place robots are highly advisable and effective enough for the best output.



pick and place robot



Where can you use a pick and place robot?

  • Product assembly line
  • Object picking and dropping (Product Delivery)
  • Inspection and QC (Quality Control)
  • Packaging
  • Bin picking
  • Material Sorting in research
  • Medical purposes



pick and place robot



In FOSHAN SAMFACC ROBOT CO. LTD, our engineers and designer are promised to deliver you the best pick and place robot. Because here we confirm

  1. Speed,
  2. High precisionand
  3. Best accuracy




FOSHAN SAMFACC ROBOT CO. LTD is one of the largest and most reputed pick and place robot manufacturing companies supplying necessary customized robots for various purposes. We can also customize and develop pick and place robot robots based on your industry need. We have teams that are one of the most intelligent groups of engineers. Please visit our website for more details; you can also contact us for any kind of query.




Everything You Need To Get Started With Industrial Arm Robots | Samfacc

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Foshan Samfacc Robot Co., Ltd

0757-2262 5929
0757-2262 5848
No.84,Shunxiang Road,Fengxiang Industrial Zone,Daliang Town, Shunde District, Foshan,Guangdong,China